Ebi Shrimp Sushi

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy White Valentine's day ❥

really very tired today x.x
but it was fun~ =)
didnt sleep all night + climbing is really killing me
luckily I did not roll off the hill~ xD
i will write the broga hill post by tmr cause all photos is with my friend now
SO.. wait for my "broga hill" post ya~

nitenite my dear reader♥

*pls forgive my broken english~ >_< hehe


  1. good nitez my dear , must rest ya .. ^^ happy while valentine's day ^^

  2. very good...u're potential hiking kaki...不要停。。走埋它啦

  3. kw- nitenite dear~ ^^

    the kid- haiyo i very geng de mah... xD
